Friday, 28 March 2014

Americans massacred by europeans research

Historian and author Howard Zinn, whose viewpoint mirrors Loewen’s, says, “What we didn’t learn was the fact that the American colonists that came here from the beginning were invading Indian soils and driving the Indians out of their land and committing massacres. The story that is not told in most American textbooks is the deceptions that were played on the Indians, the treaties that were made with them, the treaties that were then broken by the American government. It’s important to know that.”

The American indians inhabited most of america for hundreds of years. 

The Indians got European Christianity and civilization; the Europeans got the land. That explains the fighting. General Philip Sheridan, an Indian fighter, put it like this: “We took away their country and their means of support, and it was this, and against this they made war. Could anyone expect less?”
Sheridan, however, is better remembered for a colloquy he had with a Comanche chief participating in an 1869 Indian Territory conference. The chief described himself as a good Indian. Sheridan, smirking, said, “The only good Indians I ever saw were dead,” which time turned into “The only good Indian is a dead Indian.”
When Columbus came, there were perhaps 100 million Indians in the Americas and up to 30 million people in North America. In 1900, the Native American population in the United States amounted to about one million. Loewen says, “Disease, warfare, and the loss of their culture was responsible for the deaths of 90 to 95% of the Indian population.” Since the establishment of the Jamestown colony, the survivors of the North American Indian nations that once had the run of the continent have been squeezed onto little more than 2 percent of the American land base.
The conquest and wars were emboldened by racism. The Spanish conquistadores thought of the indigenous population as little more than animals to be exploited, and the English were hardly better. The Jamestown English regarded them as subhuman infidels and savages, some of whom were in direct communication with Satan. In the mid-seventeenth century, Francis Wyatt, Virginia’s English governor, said, “Our first work is the expulsion of the savages to gain the free range of the country for increase of cattle, swine etc. It is infinitely better to have no heathen among us, who at best were as thorns in our sides, than to be at peace and league with them.” George Washington said, “Indian’s and wolves are both beasts of prey, tho’ they differ in shape.” ) 
From this research i can say that the American indians were massacred by the europeans and 95% of them were killed off . And also alot of racism for them had developed in the europeans for the american indian tribes.  Proof of this is in the quotation from sheridan '' the only good indian is a dead indian'' . Alot of violence and hatred was present in my opinion .the europeans seemed to think that they discovered the Americas and that they by all rights owned the huge continent .
From this i already have an idea for a garment , i would display the american indian patterns on parts of the garments with aztec patterns , but make them seem to be crumbling away . And taken over by death and hatred . This would symbolize the massacres of the american indians by the europeans .i could do this with techniques such as wax batiq alongside my natural dyes and fabrics and another technique could be fibre fusion , because i can create a fading affect which would be ideal to represent the crumbling culture of the american indian tribes.  

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